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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > What is meant by "{%classname%}.CorporateSite" View modes: 
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sansugoi_sayounara-hotmail - 1/22/2012 11:46:25 PM
What is meant by "{%classname%}.CorporateSite"
Hi all,

In product page in selected transformation following is written, but when I click on edit buttonn it displays "No transformation available with this name


Please guide how to view the code for this transformation


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kentico_michal - 1/24/2012 2:26:55 AM
RE:What is meant by "{%classname%}.CorporateSite"

The {%classname%} is a context macro that gets replaced with the classname of the current document.

For example, for news documents it will be replaced with cms.news. It means that the selected transformation method will be cms.news.CorporateSite for news document, whereas for example for articles it will be cms.article.CorporateSite.

This macro is usefull especially when you are displaying documents of different document types and you want to apply a different transformation based on the document type of the current document. You can create more transformation of the same name cms.news.CorporateSite, cms.article.CorporateSite, cms.file.CorporateSite etc. and then specify the {%classname%}.CorporateSite in the selected transformation.

Best regards,
Michal Legen